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June 25, 2010


Lindsey Biel

You did a great job moderating that discussion!

Paul Lazar

Hi David,

This comment is not related to the story above so I hope that's okay.
I want you to know that I have a radio interview show called "TALK TO PAULIE. I interview a lot of theatre artists, among others. Next Sunday at 4pm is my conversation with ATHOL FUGARD! (That's what I was doing at The Signature when we saw each other.) The show is on BBOX Radio, a very hip wonderful new online station out of Williamsburg.
All the shows are archived so you can play them whenever you wish.
There's a new one every two weeks. After Fugard is Young Jean and Pete Simpon together. Prior interviewees are David Lang and writer Nick Flynn.

I think that the show is great but don't know how to get the word out about it. Please listen if you have a few moments and if you like it, any mention of it on your blog or to a friend, roman or countryman would be GREAT! Thanks and Regards, Paul Lazar

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